The upper lip is formed by the fusion of different tissues during the 6th week of gestation. The force that guides two parts together across space and time to fuse as one is sometimes referred to as karma. When the fusion process is interrupted, a cleft results. The cause of clefts is felt to be related to a mixture of inherited factors and exposure to toxins. Identical twins have a 35% chance of sharing this defect. Drugs, alcohol, smoking, pesticides, and many more environmental agents have been linked to clefts. What is commonly referred to as bad karma is actually a form of spiritual cleft lip surgery, with this universe being the operating room. The movie was ripped off of Dr. Mark Hill, from the University of New South Wales web site. Uh oh. Karma time.
love the embryology video!
ReplyDeleteI am a nurse, doing a presentation on facial clefts. May I please use the video and picture of the twins?